What is a virtual mailbox?

A virtual mailbox allows your company to establish a presence with a physical address at a location beneficial to your business for your business stationery, business cards, or website. Having a physical mailing address on your website will generate business in that location in which you’re looking to expand.

2020-05-26T10:07:04-04:00May 26th, 2020||Comments Off on What is a virtual mailbox?

Can you notify me of mail delivery?

Yes. Upon request, we will notify you when mail is received or you may wish to have your mail forwarded on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. We will follow your instructions regarding forwarding of mail to your address.

2020-05-26T10:05:58-04:00May 26th, 2020||Comments Off on Can you notify me of mail delivery?

How do I get started with virtual business mailing?

Call or email our office and we will answer any questions you have at that time. When you’re ready to begin, you must fill out and return to us a PS Form 1583 (Click to download PDF) Please read directions on the form and follow instructions carefully before submission to us. Your mailing address will [...]

2020-05-26T10:38:23-04:00May 26th, 2020||Comments Off on How do I get started with virtual business mailing?

How will payment be made for the service?

We accept Visa and MasterCard. A setup fee will be charged and a three-month minimum will be required on new mail clients which will be charged to your account upon sign up. We will subsequently charge your card on a monthly basis unless you prefer to pay in advance for a certain period of time.

2020-05-26T09:55:31-04:00May 26th, 2020||Comments Off on How will payment be made for the service?
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